Informasi Perubahan Tema dan Tanggal Kegiatan Workshop bersama Prof. Shawkat Alam (Macquarie University)

Sehubungan dengan penawaran Pusbindiklatren sebelumnya mengenai Kegiatan Workshop sebagai Lanjutan dari Webinar PusbinTalk #1, terdapat beberapa hal yang perlu kami sampaikan:

1. Tema Workshop Strategic Research Planning, Research Collaboration, and Ethical Norms Governing Research berubah menjadi Workshop on Research Planning and Writing Process for Constructing a Research Proposal

2. Kegiatan workshop yang semula akan dilaksanakan 17 - 19 Mei 2023 berubah menjadi dilaksanakan pada 31 Mei - 2 Juni 2023

3. Lokasi pelaksanaan adalah Bogor atau Depok

4. Peserta yang sudah mendaftar tidak perlu mendaftar ulang

5. Pendaftaran dibuka kembali hingga 5 Mei 2023 melalui tautan yang sama

6. Informasi ini juga disampaikan melalui website Pusbindiklatren Bappenas

7. Pengumuman hasil seleksi akan disampaikan melalui website dan media sosial resmi Pusbindiklatren Bappenas



Updates on Changes in Themes and Dates of Workshop Activities with Prof. Shawkat Alam (Macquarie University)


Regarding the Pusbindiklatren's previous offer on Workshop as a follow up program of the PusbinTalk #1 Webinar, here are some updated informations to be understood:

1. The previous theme offered: Workshop on Strategic Research Planning, Research Collaboration, and Ethical Norms Governing Research has been changed to Workshop on Research Planning and Writing Process for Constructing a Research Proposal

2. The workshop originally planned to be held on 17 - 19 May 2023 will be held on 31 May - 2 June 2023

3. The location will be in Bogor or Depok

4. Participants who have registered do not need to re-register

5. Registration is re-open until May 5, 2023 

6. This information is also being posted on the Pusbindiklatren Bappenas website

7. Announcement of the results of the selection will be posted on the official website and social media of the Pusbindiklatren Bappenas

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